Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi
Ngā Manu Pūtohe
Ngā Manu Putohe is a passionate rangatahi kapa haka group dedicated to preserving and promoting Māori culture through traditional and contemporary performances. Based in Brisbane, Australia.
We provide and avenue to learn, engage and practice through Māori mediums, helping to build our community by igniting and revitalizing our culture. Our group is composed of talented young individuals aging from 5 years old to 18 years old who are committed to showcasing their heritage with pride.
We are thrilled to announce that we are preparing to perform along side other rangatahi kapa haka roopu in November 2024.
Do you have a Fair Play Voucher?
Parents, Carers or Guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $200.00 for their child which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.
Nga Manu Pūtohe is a registered activity provider. So, if you have a voucher, you can use it when you register your child.
Click here to go to the Fair Play Website
Please email voucher code to ngamanuputohe@gmail.com and wait for coupon code to be sent. You can then apply coupon code upon registration
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Register in the grant portal system, Enquire, and complete your user profile.
Apply for FairPlay voucher/s online via the Enquire portal. Once voucher is approved, download and email ngamanuputohe@gmail.com. When received You will then receive discount code to register.
Once voucher is approved, download and email to ngamanuputohe@gmail.com and wait for response and discount code will be provided.
Head to the registration tab after receiving your discount code and register your tamariki to the appropriate roopu.
Ngā Manu Torea
Teina - Ages: 9 to 13 years
Ngā Manu Torea is designed to teach our young children in a simplistic and fun manner. The program focuses on understanding clear fundamentals in guidance through tikanga encompassing teamwork, respect, responsibility and accountability. An ever growing purpose built focus for this generation, helping them to grow and learn in readiness for the Ngā Manu Huia program.
Ngā Manu Huia
Tuakana - Ages: 14 to 19 years
Nga Manu Huia is designed for our young adults to learn Kapa Haka with clarity, control and refined discipline. We focus on consistent messaging, learning in tapu (respect of sacred Māoridom) whilst capturing elements of rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, collective responsibility and accountability. An ever growing purpose-built program, helping to grow while learning tikanga, whakawhanaugatanga, manaaki tangata and taha wairua/tinana/hinengaro and whānau, instilling values for a healthy foundation in Te Ao Māori.
Our Team
The Passion Behind Ngā Manu Pūtohe